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Executive Functioning

Executive functioning refers to the “management system” or “supervisory system” of the brain, as it allows us to set, supervise, and achieve our goals. It is an umbrella term for the brain-based skills involving mental control and self-regulation.

Executive Functioning: The Brain's Command Center

These include inhibition (i.e., managing impulses), shifting (i.e., mental flexibility), emotional regulation, task initiation, planning/organization of future task demands, organization of physical materials, working memory (i.e., holding information in mind for the purpose of completing a task), self-monitoring (i.e., monitoring one’s own performance and adjusting/editing as necessary). Individuals with ADHD often exhibit weaknesses in executive functioning as well. They may struggle to effectively plan what, how, and when they will complete tasks. 

Contact us to schedule an evaluation for executive functioning. 


Harvard Center on the Developing Child: Executive Function & Self-Regulation

Understood: What is Executive Function?

Executive Function & ADHD

Video: EF as Your Brain's Control Center


Groves Learning Organization - Study Skills Tutoring

See additional referrals under "Common Concerns: ADHD" tab


OT Tool Box Booklist

Booklist for Kids

Late, Lost, and Unprepared: A Parents' Guide to Helping Children with Executive Functioning

Smart but Scattered: The Revolutionary "Executive Skills" Approach to Helping Kids Reach Their Potential

The Explosive Child: A New Approach for Understanding and Parenting Easily Frustrated, Chronically Inflexible Children

From Chaos to Calm

That Crumpled Paper was Due Last Week


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